GECCO 2024 - Humies and CS Best Paper

Dennis G. Wilson


The 2024 GECCO, held in Melbourne, was a busy conference for my team and collaborations. I was a part of the organization of the Graph-based Genetic Programming Workshop and the Interpretable Control Competition. We presented a summary of Paul-Antoine le Tolguenec’s TELO article “Curiosity Creates Diversity in Policy Search” in the Hot off the Press track. Giorgia Nadizar presented our work on “Searching for a Diversity of Interpretable Graph Control Policies”. We won the Best Paper award in the CS track for Paul Templier’s article “Quality with Just Enough Diversity in Evolutionary Policy Search”. And I was very honored to present the work of Kévin Cortacero and colleagues on “Evolutionary design of explainable algorithms for biomedical image segmentation” at the 2024 Humies competition. We won the first place Gold Award, which was a great honor. It was also a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with some colleagues and to meet new ones, especially from Asian and Australian universities.